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Video of Programs (search and sort)

Nuclear Power: What's it all about?
Dr. Duane Ray

Preceded by a short reading, this program by speaker Dr. Duane Ray was recorded on 9/27/09 at a regular meeting of the Humanists of Greater Portland (Oregon), or HGP -- website Abstract: The controversy over nuclear power is not new. The challenge to provide energy to the world is growing. Global warming is upon us. This course presents background information about many of these issues and their interconnections. Different

Why We Ride
Elly Blue

Preceded by a short reading, this program by speaker Elly Blue was recorded on 6/14/09 at a regular meeting of the Humanists of Greater Portland (Oregon), or HGP.  In 2008 the city auditor's survey found that nearly a fifth of Portlanders use a bicycle as their primary or secondary commute vehicle. Portland regularly wins awards and recognition for being the best city for bicycling in the United

The Mystery of Dark Matter in Our Universe
Dr. Duane Ray

There is five times as much ‘dark’ matter, as there is matter from which the stars, the planets and we are made. It’s dark and we can’t see it, so how do we even know it’s there? What do we know of this mysterious stuff? How do we study it and what have we learned about it? This talk will give a historical and scientific background and tell you what results to look for in the near future.

The Neuro-Physiology of Peak Experiences
Dr. Joshua Fost

Preceded by a short reading, this program by speaker Dr. Joshua Fost was recorded on 5/31/09 at a regular meeting of the Humanists of Greater Portland (Oregon), or HGP.   While the cultural divide between science and religion may be as large as ever, recent years have seen a fusion of the two in the branch of neuroscience known as neurotheology. PSU professor Josh Fost will describe the brain mechanisms
