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Meet with us Sunday mornings at Friendly House or over Zoom

At these meetings, presentations are given by various speakers on topics in four broad areas: Human Well-Being, Science and Reason, Secularism, and Humanities/Culture/Morality.

This week's meeting description and link

Humanism is a way of life that guides us to be well and to do good without relying on anything supernatural. It is a rational philosophy that encourages the use of science, reason, and free inquiry. Humanism promotes ethical principles and social compassion to enhance the quality of life and to contribute to the well-being of society.

Our mission is to create a thriving local community that promotes and acts upon the ideals of humanism.

We offer educational programs, discussion groups, social events, and community involvement for our members and for the general public. We are based in Portland, Oregon and we serve the Greater Portland area.

Every Sunday morning we meet over Zoom. At these meetings, presentations are given by various speakers on topics in four broad areas: Human Well-Being, Science and Reason, Secularism, and Humanities/Culture/Morality.

In addition to our Sunday morning programs, we offer social and intellectual activities throughout the week, all over the Portland Metro area.

HGP is a friendly organization. We welcome people who share our values in learning, growing, and enjoying the company of others in a supportive environment. We welcome atheists, agnostics, truth-seekers, skeptics, and all those who value freedom from dogma.

We encourage you to visit any of our events. Membership in HGP is open to anyone who wishes to support humanist ideals.

HGP is a chapter of the American Humanist Association (AHA)

HGP is a member of the Secular Coalition of Oregon