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David C. DiNucci

Presented by David C. DiNucci. Facebook has become an internet phenomenon. What is it? How did it get so big? How does it compare to other internet communication media like Twitter and email? What started as a means of keeping in touch with friends has become a tool for everything from rallying for causes to keeping up with the latest news. We'll explore how Facebook fits into the internet landscape, and how you may find it useful in your humanist endeavors.

Bridge Meadows
Derenda Schubert, PhD

Presented by Derenda Schubert, PhD Executive Director. Bridge Meadows is an Intergenerational Community supporting foster care youth in finding adoptive homes, families thriving to raise the children and older adults (55 years and older) leading fulfilling lives. Bridge Meadows is an alternative to traditional foster care to ensure the children are adopted. These three generations come together to build a community of caring, love, and nurturance.

Cleaning Up Hanford
Ken Niles

Abstract: Presented Ken Niles from Oregon Department of Energy. For more than 40 years, the Hanford Nuclear Site in southeast Washington State produced plutonium for America's nuclear weapons program. The process created huge amounts of radioactive and chemically hazardous waste. Plutonium production ended at Hanford in 1988, and the cleanup officially began in May 1989. We are more than 20 years into a cleanup that is now forecast to end sometime after the year 2050. It is the largest environmental cleanup project in the world. Waste from Hanford poses a long-term threat to the Columbia River. Ken provides some historical background on Hanford's plutonium production and provide details of the cleanup that is underway, as well as the remaining challenges.

Taking the Byte out of Computers
David Almond

Presented by David Almond, who has spent 30 years in the field with large organizations, recently was the Chief Information Officer for the Oregon State Department of Revenue, and was an active participant in a number of technology issues within the State. The presentation explores computer technology, current trends, and its effects on business and society, unpacking the term "computer technology" into some basic components then exploring what we see today with those basics in mind.
