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Video of Programs (search and sort)

Portland Crosswalk Safety
Sharon White

Sharon White, of the Portland Bureau of Transportation, presents a “Portland Walks -- Be Safe!” pedestrian/driver training. This includes viewing an 18 minute film about pedestrian and driver safety, discussing Oregon crosswalk laws, reviewing statistics about pedestrian injuries and fatalities, and sharing tips for drivers and pedestrians to make our environment safer for everyone. The emphasis is on human factors. Ms. White conducts pedestrian safety outreach and education citywide. In 2007, she was awarded the “Golden Sole Award” from “Oregon Walks”.

Friendly Water
David Albert

Presentation by David Albert about the work of Friendly Water for the World. He discusses the use of BioSand Water Filters that can remove up to 99% of disease causing micro-organisms from the water supply. This presentation focuses on work in the Congo and Uganda. Mr. Albert is Board Chairman and co-founder of Friendly Water for the World, an international non-profit organization. He is recently returned from India where he has worked on and off for almost 40 years.

The Real Origins of Christianity
Richard Carrier

Richard Carrier speaks to us about the origins of Christianity. Dr. Carrier is a world-renowned author and speaker. As a professional historian, published philosopher, and prominent defender of the American freethought movement, Carrier has appeared across the U.S., Canada and the U.K., and on American television and London radio, defending sound historical methods and the ethical worldview of secular naturalism. His books and articles have received international attention. Carrier holds a Ph.D. from Columbia University in ancient history.

Humanist Issues
Del Allen

Del Allen hosts a discussion of humanist issues in the light of current events.
