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Your Brain on Bias
Kathy Bobula

Kathy Bobula, who teaches in the Department of Psychology at Clark College, looks at the neuroscience of bias. How do we develop biased attitudes about others who are different from us? This presentation addresses how bias is acquired, both consciously and unconsciously, by looking at both the neuroscience of bias and learning theory. After taking a look at the brain and how it works, we examine how bias is processed and how bias can be reversed or removed. What the brain can learn, the brain can re-learn in a different way. New imaging techniques have allowed researchers to discover what is happening in the brain when we acquire biased attitudes and stereotypes. With this understanding comes hope for change – the brain is dynamic, so let’s work with it and “take a bite out of bias”!

What's New at the American Humanist Association
Roy Speckhardt and Maggie Ardiente

Presentation by Roy Speckhardt and Maggie Ardiente of the American Humanist Association (AHA). Speckhardt is executive director of the AHA where he actively promotes the humanist perspective on progressive political issues. Ardiente is director of development and communications at AHA and is editor of the AHA's weekly e-zine Humanist Network News.

What Humanists Learn From Real Conservatives
Jeff Seward

This is a presentation by Jeff Seward. Seward is Associate Professor and Department Chair 
Department of Politics and Government at Pacific University.
When humanistic atheists hear the word ‘conservative’ within contemporary political discourse, they have learned to respond with a shudder or perhaps even an expletive. “Conservatism” in modern America has all too often come to be identified with anti-scientific obscurantism, religious dogmatism, and special interest pleading on behalf of rich white males. The ideological task most humanists set for themselves is mainly a matter of where on the anti-conservative left side of the political spectrum they should decide to place themselves. Are they communists, anarchists, libertarian socialists, European-style social democrats, New Deal liberals, feminists, aging hippies, or what? Aside from a lively collection of libertarians who think of themselves as humanists, not much in contemporary conservatism appeals to most humanists (and are libertarians even really conservatives anyway?). However, there is much in the long and substantial conservative tradition that may have much to offer a thoughtful modern or even post-modern humanism. Without embracing the anti-humanist tendencies of much contemporary American conservatism, Prof. Seward attempts to articulate pieces of the conservative tradition and viewpoint that humanists might be able to incorporate into their political viewpoints without endangering their political souls.

Bottled Water
Professor Catherine Howells

Portland State University Professor Catherine Howells teaches a class on Portland's water. She says: "The minute I mention to my students that much of the bottled water in this area comes from the Wilsonville treatment center that gets its water from the Willamette River, they never bring bottled water back into my class." Both industry and environmental sources say bottled water uses millions of plastic bottles a year and that most go unrecycled. And while a gallon of tap water costs about .0225 cents a gallon, bottled water purchased in single-serve containers can add up to $8 a gallon.
