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Video of Programs (search and sort)

The Importance of Fathers
Moderator: Helen Christians

HGP honors Fathers Day, moderated by Helen Christians. We begin with a short video after which members Joyce Lackie, Cathy Humble, and Pete and Paul Barkett share stories about their fathers. The formal program is followed by an open discussion on fatherhood.

Bring Back the Pollinators
Katie Hefner

Presentation by Katie Hefner about native bees, their natural history, and tips on how you can provide what they need in small spaces. Ms. Hefner is a volunteer for the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. Pollinator conservation is of special interest.

Singing Birds
Christopher Templeton

Presentation by Christopher Templeton about how birds communicate. Why do birds sing? And what do their songs mean to other birds? Templeton is a biology professor at Pacific University. He researches bird behavior with special interest in avian communication and learning.

Oregon Vietnam Memorial
Chelsea McCann

Presentation by architect Chelsea McCann. Inspired by the dedication of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC, in 1982, a group Oregon Vietnam veterans conceived of the idea of a veterans memorial in Oregon.
