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Video of Programs (search and sort)

Smarter Greener Electrical Buildings
Keith Kinch

Presentation by Keith Kinch about installing solar panels to provide electricity to various communities. Keith is co-founder and general manager of BlocPower. He has led one of the largest solar projects in New York State history. He has been involved in projects to provide solar retrofits to various housing units. He has served as a community organizer.

Women’s History
Helen Christians

Hosted by Helen Christians, we honor Women's History Month in a program by HGP members to highlight music, poetry and accomplishments of historic and contemporary women of influence. Participating members include Cathy Humble, Jamila Kisses, Al Christians, Robert Sanford, Sue Pearce, Anne Henderson, Del Allen, Jeff Strang, Pete Barkett, Paul Barkett.

On the Backs of Tortoises
Elizabeth Hennessy

Presentation by Elizabeth Hennessy about the giant tortoises of the Galápagos, a place seen as a last foothold of pristine nature. Conservationists have worked to restore this evolutionary Eden. Hennessy’s book tells the story of the island. The story of the tortoises shows how deeply human and nonhuman life are entangled. Elizabeth Hennessy is associate professor of history of science and environmental studies at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

Ethical Values, Social Values, and the Sciences
Anjan Chakravartty

Presentation by Anjan Chakravartty. Humanists commonly promote science and reason for understanding the world and for advancing the common good. However, there are values that are deeply connected to practices and outcomes of scientific work. Science is not typically “value free”. This talk explores the role that values can play in the pursuit of science for our collective welfare. Anjan Chakravartty is the Appignani Foundation Chair for the Study of Atheism, Humanism, and Secular Ethics at the University of Miami. He has authored numerous books and articles in the philosophy of science, metaphysics, and epistemology, and has taught previously at the Universities of Cambridge, Toronto, and Notre Dame.
