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Alternatives to the Death Penalty
Ron Steiner & Frank Thompson

Ron Steiner and Frank Thompson lead a discussion on the death penalty in Oregon. Ron Steiner is the board chair of Oregonians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty. He has been involved, as a volunteer activist, in abolition work since 2000. He was a member of the Steering Committee of the New Mexico Coalition to Repeal the Death Penalty. The repeal was enacted in March 2009. Steiner also serves on the national board of directors for Murder Victim Families for Reconciliation. Frank Thompson, a former state penitentiary warden, has recently joined efforts to repeal the death penalty in Oregon. Thompson, who supervised the only two executions carried out in the state since capital punishment was reinstated in 1984, describes the death penalty as a “failed public policy." He supports life without parole as an alternative to capital punishment.

Cuba Today
Mary Feller

Don and Mary Feller visited Cuba in December 2011. Don writes: “Our visit to Cuba was as part of a people-to-people group of twenty Americans who traveled there to learn of the culture and daily life of typical Cubans. We traveled not really as tourists, but as curious and fair-minded international visitors. We saw a wide variety of aspects of Cuban life today.” Mary Feller is a former teacher, cultural anthropologist, and writer. Don Feller has had careers in Wall Street, private business, education, and real estate management.

Humanist Magazines
Del Allen

This is a presentation by Del Allen. He displays a sample of recent articles from humanist magazines. Our president Howard Ellberger has indicated that he would like to see more programs that deal with Humanism. Today, Del shares a power point presentation from Humanist sources in a way that's somewhat different from what you might think.

Infantile Morality
Charles Sullivan

This is a presentation by Charles Sullivan. Children who eventually learn how to reason about moral questions for themselves, without relying on parental commands or threats of punishment, will have moved from an infantile morality to an adult morality. Adults who make moral decisions based solely on the Bible's commands or out of fear of God's punishment will have failed to learn to reason about moral questions for themselves, and will be stuck in an infantile morality. Charles Sullivan teaches philosophy at Portland Community College and Portland State University. He has published articles related to science and philosophy in popular venues such as Skeptical Inquirer, The Secular Web, Writer Magazine, and even Playboy.
