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Video of Programs (search and sort)

Cult Awareness
Lisa Kendall

At Friendly House, Lisa Kendall reports from the 2024 International Cultic Studies Conference about Personal Experience, Law and Public Policy, Fraud in Scientific Research. Lisa Kendall is founder and director of Counter Cult Coalition, an Oregon based nonprofit working to improve public policy to protect and provide for people who have grown up in cults.

Corporations and the Climate Crisis
Martin Hart-Landsberg

At Friendly House, Martin Hart-Landsberg provides an overview of our climate crisis. Then he discusses why capitalism cannot green itself. He concludes by arguing for a radical transformation of our economy. Martin Hart-Landsberg is Professor Emeritus of Economics at Lewis and Clark College. He is the author of seven books on issues related to globalization.

Common Scams and How to Avoid Them
Louis DeNicol

Presentation by Louis DeNicola. Scammers are getting bolder and they continually test new method and tools. In this presentation we’ll cover the latest scams, how they work, and how you can protect yourself. DeNicola is a freelance writer who specializes in consumer credit and fraud. He's focused on finances for over 10 years and written over 2,500 articles.

Women Who Transformed Early American Science
Catherine McNeur

Presentation by historian Catherine McNeur who discusses how she stumbled upon early certain women scientists. Their discoveries helped fuel the growth of science and yet were completely forgotten. Dr. McNeur also discusses the many ways that women have been erased from the historical record. Catherine McNeur is a professor of history at Portland State University where she teaches courses on environmental history, the United States, food history, and public history. She is the author of “Mischievous Creatures: The Forgotten Sisters Who Transformed Early American Science” (Basic Books, 2023).
